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Ground Report – Knoll Down, Wiltshire, 26/06/12

This is an interesting little crop circle, neatly positioned in the Wiltshire landscape. The laid crop has a light and fluffy feel, partly due to recovery of stems but I also get the impression that much of the crop has not been flattened fully to the ground during the initial creation.

The most significant feature within the formation is evidence of stems bent at the node, in some cases almost at right angles. Although many bent nodes can now be seen due to phototropism as I have mentioned, underneath layers of laid crop in certain parts of the design stems are bent around corners in keeping with the direction of flow (see images below). These stems alone make this crop circle the best example I have seen so far this year.


A perfect example of where the intricacies of ground detail show the magic and mystery of this phenomenon if you look close enough.

Other features to mention are the elegant standing tufts of barley in the centres of each of the laid circles. These are framed in most cases by lovely swirls of laid crop with a light and fluid quality.

Multi-directional flow of laid stems is evident in some areas, including opposing flows which meet and cross over, sometimes causing a raised effect.


Crop Circle Summary


Knoll Down, Wiltshire

Crop Type



Series of small circles, decreasing in size towards a point.

Date of First Sighting


Survey Date


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