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Affiliate Websites

Please take some time to look at our affiliate websites.

Crop Circle Nirvana
Articles, comment and analysis on various aspects of the crop circle phenomenon.
The precision of the mysterious Crop Circles joins to the handicraft imperfections of wood\'s working.

Crop Circle Research Germany
This bi-lingual (UK/GER) by researcher Andreas Muller covers the International phenomenon and research.

Twenty First Century Pan
Channelled communications of the light being known to humanity as Pan. & Leicestershire Crop Circles. Database & Baktun Thirteen. Spiritual Knowledge

a 10-days - also inner - pilgrimage with challenges on both spiritual and physical level with the aim of inner consciousness, overtonesinging and spiritual growth: Mr Beesley-healing ritual at Stonehenge, cropcircles, Avebury, Sillbury-hill, Avalon, temple of Zodiacsigns. Near death experiences, Eckart Tolle, Ervin Laszlo, Noam Chomsky, Richard Sheldrake, free energy,synchronicity, nature & spirituality, eco economy,

United Space - Tommy Borms
Lightphenomena, cropcircles.

Planet X
Is Planet X a hoax or confirmed by Bible prophecy? The first literal explanation of Revelation\'s doomsday star Wormwood—coming before the Rapture.

Uncle Cosmo\'s Attic
Fun and useful links to paranormal and metaphysical products and services.

LightCircles Jewelry
This site features LightCircles™ Fine Jewelry representing the Crop Circles. The clean contemporary styles highlight the patterns and appeal to both men and women. It introduces new research on the affects and experiences of people working with and wearing silver crop circle images on the body.

Temporary Temples
Visit this site to view and buy awesome aerial photographs of crop circles taken by renowned photgrapher Steve Alexander. The extensive image library is FREE to view and contains images of crop circles from 1994 onwards.

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